When asked who would be driving the third Force Funny Car next season, since Gary Densham (above) has said this may be his last season in the Force camp, Force said, "It's probably going to be Gary Densham. We're great friends, but Gary is looking to start something with his son. We have a lot of years together and we have a lot of fun and love what we do."

On daughter Ashley's future plans, Force said, "Yes, I want her to drive a Funny Car; the engine is in the front for safety impact, those big ol' tires, the body around you, the fire issue for the Funny Cars went away about 5 years ago. A Funny Car is a safe hot rod for her."

Force went on to the final where he fouled out with a solid red-light against Tim Wilkerson (below). Wilk said of his second win of the season, "The car ran so good, it didn't have any holes out and we ran the same motor all weekend" -- further testament to the new 85% nitro rule's positive results.


It's got a simple clutch management system that isn't controlled by pneumatics and as of Friday evening the flopper was sitting 17th in qualifying, having run a 5.669 at 249.03.

Expert chassis fabricator Plueger (right) said, "Simply, it's got a single big fuel pump, single magneto; it's something affordable to run in the fuel class. It's got home-made (clutch and fuel) management which for the first runs we didn't think a 5.40 was too bad. We are not trying to prove anything, just making an affordable way for us to race and this is the only kind of car we have had or built for the last 30 years. We had planned on running 80% to 85% before the rule change."

Plueger's long-time friend, veteran Funny Car shoe Dale Pulde drove the '02 Firebird to the 16th qualifying slot, but was disqualified by NHRA since his car's performance did not exceed 280 mph on at least two passes to re-certify his dormant competition license. These guys will be back at the Fall Las Vegas race and at the Pomona Finals.

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