It could just as easily be 1975
instead of 2005 as Troy Martin takes off in his recreation
of the famous Chi-Town Hustler at Southeastern Dragway,
near Dallas, GA.
Words and photos by Ian Tocher
For the first time in 30-odd years, the unmistakable thunder
of nitro-fueled horsepower reverberated across the lush
Georgia countryside Aug. 6, when Southeastern Dragway (SED)
hosted its rain-delayed 50th anniversary celebration. A
full slate of fuel floppers, front-engined dragsters, alcohol-burning
altereds, and even a nostalgia jet Funny Car helped those
with a little imagination to be transported back to when
match racing reigned supreme and there was no end in sight
for the fun.
Now, sadly, the noble old facility, originally known as
Red’s Dragstrip when it opened in the proverbial “middle
of nowhere” in 1955, appears on the verge of succumbing
to the relentless advance of urban sprawl. Track operator
Gene Fuller says no deal has yet been reached with the property’s
owners, but offers have been tendered and a large plot of
land directly behind the track’s staging lanes and
burnout box has already been sold to a housing development
For the time being, though, Fuller stresses it’s
business as usual at the eighth-mile strip, located no more
than 40 miles from downtown Atlanta, and he’s hoping
to host another big blowout Oct. 15, in addition to his
weekly bracket events. “We’re going to bring
back the Funny Cars, bring back the whole race,” he
says. “It won’t be a 50th anniversary deal,
but it’ll be a big race. I believe if we can get a
date when the weather don’t kill us, we’ve got
a good thing going here.”
For how much longer, though, was clearly the question on
everyone’s minds.