
Saturday morning and DRO has a pick for best appearing
car: Mike Ashley's
friggin' gorgeous Gotham City Racing Pro Modified. Mark Adkins (design
and basic colors) and Mark Brown (lettering and graphics) clearly had
the outstanding steed out of their little shop in Bristol, Tenn. You
got Batman with blood veins big enough to transport a pound of heroin
at one sitting, a toothy, leering Joker, the Gotham City skyline. Good
work, McGurk.
You didn't need Musco Lighting to note the
gag-me-with-a-spoon concession prices. A below average slab called
the half-pound steakburger weighed in at $6.00 as did their non-Italian
sub. A giant tenderloin checked in at a hefty $5.00 as did a half
quart of beer at $5.00. I am writing this draining a Bud Light and
it cost only a little more than 20-percent of the Indy price. What
do they do with that extra vigerish? Swamp land in Florida? Bullets
for security? What, McHale, What? WHAT? |
During Saturday afternoon's Pro Mod qualifying, Bobby
Baucom was at half track when both doors blew off at 160-mph. A cool
one hundred awaits the successful guesser who figured what the most
used cliché was after seeing that run.
Saturday night's (and the race's) best heat came in qualifying.
Doug Kalitta's 4.580/322.19 haired out Larry Dixon Jr.'s 4.597/321.73.
File this under Fateful Words Dept. Low-buck independent
Terry Haddock got a big rise out of knowledgeable Funny Car fans when
he cranked a (I think) career-best 5.069/295.14 in his Wheel Vintiques
'99 Dodge Avenger Saturday night. Reportedly after the run, he was pumped
and cracked (to paraphrase) "This crew has so worked so hard, and
this run was just a payoff for that work. I believe we'll really go
after it and see if we can put ourselves solidly in the show."
Result? Sunday afternoon, Haddock fireballed his faithful old steed
(photo below), nearly taking it to the ground in flames after an abbreviated