With the KCIR 10:00 p.m. curfew looming, all the featured acts were rushed back to the starting line for third round action. The Pro Mod race was a wild one, with Bruce almost pitching his blown '69 Camaro on it's roof at half track before shutting off. With a first row seat to the action, Barklage wisely shut off early. The scorer says à "No contest!" Team Hanna did its thing again and Smokey Joe, at 63 years young, the second oldest jet dragster driver currently running, took the rubber match with Mike Smith. Norm Wilding made it two straight over Duskin Jerde, as once again the newcomer beat the veteran off the line, only to lose the lead, and the race at half track.

By all counts, it was about as successful a Wednesday night show that a local track could hope for. Everybody got paid, nobody went through too much of their parts inventory, the race track made money, and the fans had a blast. Now, if we could just get more track operators to book more of these Nitro / Jet / Pro Mod shows, maybe we could revive the whole match race scene. And wouldn't that be an interesting development?


Previous Stories
Fox Hunt at KCIR — 8/21/03
Nightfire Nationals at Boise — 8/15/03
IHRA at Martin, MI — 8/15/03
CIFCA at Sacramento — 8/15/03

NHRA at Sonoma
— 8/8/03
Quotes from Sonoma — 8/8/03




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