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I'm truly surprized at your recent article about oil downs. Check the oil down list with NHRA before you do sloppy journalisim. Herbert has only 10 oil downs. So if your point is why does Herbert not have to test or what not he hasn't reached 11 now 12 oil downs that Romine has. There are some other heavy hitters that are getting close to the top of the oil down list. Also oil downs go with the crew chief not the driver. Next time if you need some help with this type of article e-mail me I'll help you with the facts. I have always enjoyed dragracingonline but it is apparent that some of the people that are writing for you needs to be canned if they can't get the facts straight.

Fred Remur


Thanks for your clarification, Fred. Now, if you'd just straighten out NHRA, since they just said that the oil downs are credited to the car owner. We have spoken to several of the racers and they also are confused about the oil downs, since the rules seem to be changing from race to race. Sorry, but we haven't finished with this subject.


I just wanted to drop (Ian Tocher) a quick note to say thanks for the kind words. It's real easy to stay on the "shows look terrible" band wagon instead of noticing improvements. I
know we don't have the show that NHRA has but nor do we have the budget. In fact I'd be surprised if we have 25% of their budget. The show Producers, Joe Ligon and Eric Swaringen, have done a great job of taking this show to another level. I'm sure you understand that having a good team around you is important. Just like a race team, the more years you spend together the better you get and this was the first year for these guys. Considering the TV experience that Jim Marchyshyn and Kathy Fisher had coming into the season, I feel like they have both done a fabulous job. They learn quickly and have made big improvements.

Please let me say thanks again for noticing the improvements and having the nerve to say it in public!

Ken Stout


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