Looking at the results of the first race that NHRA instituted the new LED system you can easily see that it's changed the landscape considerably. The sportsman racers that had problems cutting a light are now back in the game, really back in the game! I spoke to many Super Gas racers at Pomona and found that in general most of them were running anywhere from .020 to as much as .080 in their delay boxes. As the track tightened up everyone was adding more and more in the box but the results were more and more red lights. 53% of the races in the last four rounds were red lights, in fact I think it was the sixth round, every race was decided by a red light.


Maybe NHRA is looking at the average age of the drivers and has decided to help us older guys. Thanks but.... no thanks! All you've managed to do is take the incentive out of working on the suspension and personally getting into shape. With all the best of intentions, this is a bad idea and you need to drop it now. For more than 40 years I raced with the older style incandescent lamps and never, not once have I ever had a bulb go out, well OK, maybe I missed the tree once in a while but believe me all the bulbs were lit. The fuelers of old, at 98% nitro, shook the tree just as hard and we didn't have issues so what's the now? Maybe W.J. had a little input to the change.

By the way, retrofitting the tree to LED's does not cost $800, but if NHRA is being charged that much, someone is making a killing!

Bob Mendenhall
NHRA Division 7


Please, please, please, no rice rockets at nostalgia events. Nostalgia is for us older fans and some younger ones too. We want to see old cars and racers. There's a time and place for rice rockets, just not at a nostalgia event -- lol

Gary Watanabe


I don't think KB ever drove the Hooker. Ray Alley Engine Masters in FC and some TF cars for Carroll Bros, Vance Hunt and the likes but the LA Hooker? I don't think so.

David Graves


Agree completely with your article on DRO. Funny cars used to be fun to watch - showmanship was so much a part of it - thus the wild body styles. Once the Pro Mod teams are forced to get sponsors, the class is going to end up being a bunch of Neons, Cavaliers and Grand Ams - how exciting! (NOT!) . Goodbye to the '63 Vettes, Willys, etc. etc. etc.

Great article.

Chris Williams

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