I would like to make a comment in regards
to Don King...oh, I mean John Force. Every
race I watch this year, it becomes clearer
and clearer that Force is throwing the races
in order to reward Tony for his years of backseat
driving. This is not racing, and I feel it
could have a negative effect eventually to
the funny car ranks. After Columbus and his
peddle job that I saw as, lets make a left
turn here and cross the centerline in order
to let Tony win, was embarrassing. We are
racers and it is and should stay as may the
best man win! I would enjoy hearing others
comments on this subject as it is becoming
Ken Becker
P.S. Maybe a cat scan is in order for ol'
John cause as many times as he has peddled
a car I think Sunday proved that blood must
not be reaching the proper areas of his brain.
Too bad that NHRA slapped the Pro Mod guys
hard, basically giving them the "cold day
in Hades" pep talk. I like the class a lot,
but I have always considered it "out of place"
in NHRA. Kudos to everyone who tried (AMS,
et al) to get NHRA fired up. But it is a small
fish in the ocean to NHRA.
I know marketing, etc. is much harder for
IHRA, but at least you get top line billing.
As a sportsman racer, I do not understand
why the ruckus over entry fees (always a small
part of the cost of entering an event).
Welcome back to the mud out back with the
rest of us sportsmen; come on down and eat
BBQ and have a beer. Don't want to do that?
-- Get a fuel car. Don't waste time on Pro
Stock, get a fuel car if you want NHRA to
pay attention. Life will go on, even if we
have to burn our beads and headbands.
William D. (Dee) Kruse
DRO...Folks, I've just got to say, you've
got some serious stones!!! DRO has taken some
controversial positions on various issues,
but Chris Martin's recent article is WAAAYYY
over the top. As a freelance tech writer that
has published around 75-100 articles, I have
felt the sting of a senior editor telling
me "whoa buddy, you may be right, but we can't
say THAT, an advertiser/sponsor/association,
may be offended." And then you folks allow
Mr. Martin to take a position I'm certain
will generate more negative correspondence
than everything else you've done combined.
Well Chris, I've felt the same way for quite
a while and I just want to put an X in the
"way to go DRO" column.
And just for the record, I absolutely believe
in some positive life force (call him/her
God, it that works for you). However, my God
doesn't want me to kill anyone on his behalf,
isn't really short of cash, doesn't want me
to do anything illicit to young boys, or try
to make anyone see things his (my) way. All
he/she really wants (I think) is for me to
be a good person and maybe leave the world
just a tiny bit better than I found it. And,
do it quietly.
Good job DRO, my hat's off to you. Continue
to call it how you see it and know a bunch
of us are in your corner!!
David Poffenbarger
Thanks. I am also tired of these people.
Love and Happiness.
Jim Lyon
Regarding the Martin Chronicles on 6/19/03
"this God business," I just have to say I
agree wholeheartedly. I don't knock anyone
for believing or for giving thanks. But I,
for one, am sick of listening to it, also.
Excuse me for being rude and using the words
"balls," but I'm just glad someone finally
had the balls to say it out loud!!! Thanks,
S. Purcella