Jok, I Just read your DEAD-ON, "A Personal Experience at the ET Finals" and I couldn't agree with you more! I feel that it's asking WAY TOO MUCH for the racers to have to "buy" their time trials (I pitched the same bitch on the CFR Forum when the "new manager" stated that he was going to try his "Dial-In Challenge").

I've got a couple of questions that you might be able to answer, or maybe have better luck getting the answers to. If you (or anyone else) have already written a column that addresses either of these, I would be grateful if you would point me in the right direction.

1. What ever happened to the "agreement" that the track operators had (October 2003) about taking turns hosting the finals? I understand that the Street Class "agreement" was implemented this year.

2. Assuming that a track is represented by a "full" team: Where does the excess $2,000-$2,100 go that EACH track takes in from it's racers?
1 track = 50 racer's [+ 2 alternates]* @ $50 each = $2,500 [$2,600]*
1 track = $500 for team entry fee paid to host track
$2,500 [$2,600]* - $500 = $2,000 [$2,100]*
* do the alternates have to pay, regardless? * do the racers that break get a reimbursement?

Nothing that I'm going to lose any sleep over, but since I couldn't find the answers throughout the 2004 season . . . . I know, if I only would have asked the right person(s) ! ;-)

Keep on writing those columns (it's pretty neat when I hear comments about a DEAD-ON & I can actually say, "Hey! I know that *#@! . . . I mean . . . guy!") ;-P

Here's to a mild Winter & we'll see you in the Spring.


Pam Billerbeck


I am not sold on the rumors about DSR's pro stock deal for several reasons: 1- Why would Mopar exclusively sponsor a car that is yellow and black with great big Jeg's placards on it when they could have Mopar trim instead? 2- Why would Bob Glidden pour his heart and soul into an existing and fully staffed operation like Team Jeg's, and more importantly, how long will it be before he decides he no longer needs Team Jeg's at all? 3- What exactly does the old mad dog get out of this deal besides a paycheck anyway? 4- Why would Don spend the money to make Glidden happy in his own shop unless Mopar sees the ten time champ as the real nugget in this deal?

I think we may be putting too much emphasis on who may be driving for Don and not enough on who will be running the show. In the end, If Bob walks, the whole thing will collapse shortly afterwards, in my opinion. I can see a day when Don might have wished he let Billy or Rusty Glidden in on the fun! At least they have proven that they can work for their old man!

Mike Fedor
Lancaster, PA


Just wonderin'....How does the U.S. Army go about/get into sponsoring,/find and or appropriate the money to help sponsor a multi-million dollar, multi-vehicle race team? Half of me thinks it's really cool, and the other half is saying, "what the ****?" Shouldn't that money be paying for the best stuff our soldiers need and deserve? Or, seeing as it IS OUR AMERICAN tax money, after all, where can I, as an American drag racer, go to sign up for some Army sponsorship? I don't need 14 fuel motors sitting in my trailer, or a dozen different paint jobs for Tony, Angelle,and Antron's racers....if it's to help keep the war "popular", just pay for my gas and entry fees next year..... I'll even send the Army all my old tires, so they can build more of those obstacle courses.

All kidding aside, I know they tried it years ago, trying to get the right cross section of people interested in the Army when we weren't at war and the Army was the last place anybody wanted to be. Now, I'm sure, it's just written off as a marketing expense. When Don Schumacher talks about "putting a new bullet in it for the next round", is that how it shows up on the Army receipt? Do you think any of our paratroopers might have accidentally gotten some unusually small chutes with MOPAR printed on them?

Just wonderin'.........
Thanks for the best drag news service!

Tim Rinkerman

We've Got Mail! — 11/9/04
Your letters to DRO


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