I have nothing good to say about NHRA!!!!! As a competitor for many years, they have done nothing but F#@K the little guy! You are 100% right.

What a well-written article you wrote. Scotty Finn will be proud of you if he is still alive. He tried to tell everyone back in the 50's that NHRA was in it for the money. I remember Dale Hamm telling me NHRA had some good lawyers and put him out of business. You may have opened a bucket of worms. But the way you are with words you could tell a guy to go to hell in such a nice way he couldn't wait to get there. But I wouldn't expect any favors from them. You have probably been taken off the Christmas card list. If you need a place to hide out, come on up.

Mark "Tex" Cooper


I read with interest your Burk's Blast 1320 Vision: I Can See Clearly Now.  Amen, the organization changed big time when Dallas Gardner came on board and the original "Seven Dwarfs" (Division Directors) were no longer considered in the decision making process for the company.

Good article!  Regards,

Darwin Doll


I'm so tired of Whit's act I wish they would just suspend him indefinitely. Every time he has lost a race he whines and cries like a 2-year-old child not getting a cookie. We all hate to lose! Even if it's the smallest of races. This guy tries to ruin the game for all by not drinking
Powerade but if he wins he'll take their money!!! If he wins a round it was all him and maybe 1% of his crew. If he loses it'S the crew's fault or the track or someone was whatever like a child! HEY MATCO FIRE THIS CLOWN!!!

There are a lot of drivers that can do that job a like it and help the game. I don't want my kids seeing how he acts or represents someone's company.

Allan Bowlen


I am an avid fan of this sport, I go to the Lucas Oil Nationals (Maple Grove raceway) in Reading, Pa, and have never missed one in 20 years now. I see everyone getting up and going to get something to eat when the bikes come out. Now I love the Harleys and they are doing great, but I think the Pro Mods would keep the fans in their seats and maybe attract more to the race itself. I just don't see the interest in Pro Stock Bike as there would be in Pro Mod. Then again maybe I'm wrong...just a thought.

Tom Gondal

We've Got Mail! [11/30/04]
Your letters to DRO


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