Hey, world: Just a few thoughts on the direction drag racing is going, NHRA style. I just finished reading a letter from a guy that wrote about Lions drag strip in the mid 60s' and the experiences that he had and also your writing, Chris. I was a tad too young for Lions, but I grew up at Irwindale and the experiences have shaped the rest of my life.

NHRA has an opportunity to re-visit its past to a degree with Pro Mods. They are probably the most exciting class in drag racing today due to the variety of cars and competitors, the different personalities and backgrounds that shape these people, the fact that there are enough cars throughout the country that they (NHRA) will
always be guaranteed a full field with quality cars (as it stands, now), and the old match racing potential for NHRA member tracks is huge (remember east versus west, manufacturers meets, old versus new, etc.)

But NHRA chooses to ignore the obvious. When they do run the cars, all you have to do is watch the instant migration of fans (including a number of nitro pros) that haul ass from the pits when the first set of cars light and do their burn-outs. They hold their attention and after the races are over, you can always hear a great deal of comments about the Pro Mods from the fans leaving the races. They are the fuel altereds of the 21st century and they deserve some sort of commitment from NHRA as do the fans that PAY THE SALARIES of Tom Compton and crew.

Don't misunderstand me; I love nitro methane and I always will. But the reality is that it's getting priced into oblivion and they can only go as quick and fast as the safety equipment and facilities can allow. When they hit that point, then what? Nostalgia top fuel and the nostalgia funny car class is pretty bitchin' also, but now there is even more variety to the mix.

I for one am afraid that I am the last thing that NHRA thinks about when they plan for their future. I have been to every race that happened at Irwindale from 1971-until April of 1977 when it closed and I have been to every single race day at Pomona from 1972 until now so I believe this qualifies me as a FAN. And my opinion should count! NHRA should start taking polls of their fans at each and every race and get the opinions of the fans, good and bad, and then they should act on at least some of the opinions so we know that we matter. This may also make the racers and the sponsors more obligatory to the fans that pay to see a show and just want the best entertainment that their hard-earned money can buy!

Tom Muller


Jeff---You make some good points as usual ---The one that jumped out at me was Spec Nitro FC----Jeff, you should have your mouth washed out with soap for even typing the words SPEC and NITRO in the same sentence--We have WAY to much spec now-----As for IHRA having Nitro FC that would be logical as Fuel Funny Cars are the most popular class in Drag Racing history.

One problem with that might be IF you had Nitro FC's at the same event it would probably hurt Pro Mod and IHRA depends on them and they run for nothing.

Frank Oglesby


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