Jeff, I've enjoyed what your site has turned into and commend you on getting it where it is today. Though I am so far out of the loop I only know what I read on the net, I did have a couple of comments on your latest piece.

"Why don't they give the Fuel Flops a couple of years warning and then require Funny Car bodies that actually look like real cars?"

Bullseye, my friend. Before fate, etc. took me out of the journalism field that was a story idea I had. You were around when the original funny cars were running and saw Pro Stock come into existence. With that background, let me run something by you.

2004 Pro Stock = 1968 Funny Car. Tube frame, replica body with the corners rounded off, different driver placement, stretching and tweaking to make the body fit an A/A frame. Not a single production part on the entire vehicle. OK, so it's not fuel but other than the engine and doors there's not a significant difference.

2004 Super Stock = 1970 Pro Stock. Body just about stock, most powerful gas engine technology from the manufacturer, other than drivetrain the car is essentially production parts, performance transmission

2004 Funny Cars? I'm with you. I don't know what the hell they are either. Long wheelbase fork truck with a swoopy body? Center steer is fine, but when the body is
shrunk around the cockpit things look too weird.

"Does that decision actually make sense to anyone except Ray Alley and Warren Johnson?"

Yeah, to me. AFCs don't blow the tires off starting at 300-ft. Power delivery and downforce make the difference. Hell, PS cars were beginning to scare me even back when I was active. No one wanted to run a properly shaped and sized wing because it would kill ET and speed. Did you know that GM (at least) actually ran tests with PS cars having NO rear air devices at all? Yes, the push was that strong to pick up a hundredth here or there.

GM watched the real ugly, aborted, tests and gave order that none of their racers should ever try anything that stupid again.

Hey, it's lunch time and I ain't proofing nothing. If this isn't up to my usual standards of blather, remember I don't try and do this for a living any longer. I leave it to the professionals.

Take care and have fun.

Dan Bennett

Dan Bennett was a staffer of Super Stock & Drag Illustrated. And our proofreader didn't touch his letter.


Jeff, your rants were especially good in your current editorial... Keep it up.

Barry Kuhlmann


Could it be that the jets weigh more than the funnies and fuelers which would be harder to stop?

Just wondering, oops that's your line.

Bob Plumer


I agree with you on jet cars. Very fun to watch. By having them race you get them with less appearance money because you would be paying money for winner, runner up, semis. I like injected nitro cars but it is not the same as top fuel and not a $35 show. Also, I think they should give super class races their own series and not run them at nationals events.

Eric Street


I would like to commend Chris Martin for his article on Black History of Drag Racing. February is Black History month and it was nice to see that Drag Racing Online did not forget the contribution of Black racers and fans. I was really impressed to see your publication address an issue that the two sanctioning bodies would not. Thanks for showing that Drag Racing is a multicultural event. Keep up the great work.



The article is in the February 2000 issue in our Archives. -- Ed.
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