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Regarding (Darr's) column on the current TV coverage, I can only say two words: HELL YEAH!!!

Why has our sport gotten so. . .what's a good word. . .scripted?

I went to the Hot Rod Reunion in Bowling Green last year, and thought I was in heaven. Heck, I actually walked across the staging lanes, looking at cars, and didn't have some jack-booted blue shirt POWERade official yelling something about life imprisonment for being there without the correct pass. I hate their pompous, nose in the air attitude. If I wanted that, I would go to an F1 race!

I actually got to talk to some racers, without hearing, "we have the Budiller, Luctrol, Mac-on, Jegumitt, Mopawrench car running strong today," and similar crap. Yes, corporate money has helped to see 4.4's and 330's, but I was just as excited, maybe more, by seeing side by side 5.40's and 250's. I 'bout wet my pants when Mike Boyd wrestled the Express through the lights at 200!

Always enjoy your column.

Don Richerson

Darr, I am not a very big fan of critics, and I go out of my way to avoid adding another voice to the popular sport of follow-the-leader NHRA bashing that is so predominant these days, so in some respect you've got a tough critic in me. However, I just wanted to tell you that I think you did an excellent job in your article about NHRA's TV shows. It was spot on, and without being an attack. They would do well to call you for that lunch date. If they'll listen, I'll buy.


Henry Walther

Darr: I thought I was the only one that dislikes the coverage of NHRA. You have hit the nail right on the head. The only one I like on their broadcasts is Mike Dunn. If he ever leaves they are in a world of hurt.

I remember when you would at least see the finals of the Sportsman classes. Now they make no mention of them. It's like they don't even exist. Where do they think some of these guys running pro cars come from?

Anyway, great article and I hope NHRA gets the message.

Al Ullo

"Boring - boring - boring ... Same old - same old - same old ..."

Now tell us how you really feel! As an old drag racing fan I can't wait for the next race on TV and here I thought it was just me expecting more, but no, they are really blowing it. From the old days at Union Grove in the late fifties watching the "Chizler" and early Don Garlits now at Moroso in Florida I lived and breathed drag racing. They need to look at the ratings and see that they need help.

I really appreciate this online magazine and only wish it was weekly! But you keep telling it like it is. Hopefully someone will hear you at NHRA. By the way how do you get in to their events? I doubt they give you a press pass!

James Drinkwater


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