Jok, I liked your latest article on DRO. NHRA/ESPN could do a little more in grabbing the stories that the average fan can relate to and identify with. You develop your fan base and following by giving them opportunities to relate to and 'bond' with the personalities/stories of the sport on their level. Give them something they can really relate to and they'll be hooked, plus it is a catalyst to draw in new motorsports fans to drag racing.

How about the pit crew intern program that Bob Gilbertson's "Trick Tank" Funny Car team has put forward this year? Let's see NASCAR let the average fan work in their Nextel cup pits! Besides the fact that every NHRA ticket gets you into the pits, this pit crew intern program is something that NHRA can really use to set themselves apart and above other forms of motorsports. NHRA seems to pride themselves on advocating that their Pro level of racing is accessible to the fan - this just seems to epitomize it. Someone is missing the boat on this huge PR opportunity. Perhaps you could whisper in someone's ear...this is what just about every race fan can identify with, lust for and get drawn into.

Thanks for your time.

Michelle Read


Action Required:

* Amen
* Amen
* and Amen

(Do ya think anyone in Glendora cares what We think?)

Billy Baer
3391 S/C, Q/R

Here here, finally someone has said what needs to be said. I'm a 51-year-old drag racer who has watched NHRA ruin the tv side of drag racing. I can't believe you can do a whole show and not see or hear a sportsman car.

S T Knotts

Flat land musings about TV and such:

The announcing voices drowning out the cars on the NHRA races were always an annoyance but this year brought new lows. Is it just my tv or did someone twist the sound dials the wrong direction? The cars sound quieter and the announcers louder during the stage and run segment. Heck, Pro Stock sounded louder than the fuel cars. That is just plain WRONG.

NHRA announcing: could be worse. We could be treated to the screamer that does the tractor pull voice-overs. (shudder) I do agree with others that I would like to see faces and personalities other than the usual three or four suspects. Surely someone else has something to say or push.

Why is it, in this day of gee whiz electronics and weather stations, I am treated to "cutting edge" TV with a video image of a piece of cardboard with the track temperature scribbled in crayon? Come on, NHRA. Surely there is a weather station manufacturer that would loan you a read out with their name prominently displayed or you could take some money from the oil-down beer fund to buy one and put NHRA on it.

Eric Medlin: You are fun to watch and will be good driver, plus the TV guys like you but please do not get in the same habit as your boss of sticking your mug in the winners top end interview when you are not the winner. It looks cheesy when Mr. Force does it and I do not think it should become the latest "must do" media exposure schtick.

Phoenix was notable in that it looked like it was going to be an ugly race but turned out better than expected. Did anyone notice that Kenny wasn't shown, if he was there? Did Brandon get his name on the car yet? Hey, even Kurt Johnson smiled. Well...almost.

Dave Koehler


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