How bout in your JUST WONDERING column you
could ask how the V Rods in PSB can be legal?
I joined NHRA just so I could get my hands
on their rulebook and have sent an email questioning
them and get no answer. All the rules talk
about American V Twin push rod engines and
the VRods are DOHC and are NOT push rod engines,
so how can they be legal ?
Thank you
Dick Nichols
Murphy gets the cover pic and two in the article
plus ink, we get a “surprise” by
Sean’s name.
We didn’t run a five as Murphy did...but
we made the final, BEATING Murphy! If it was
that surprising that we made the final, maybe
we should have gotten a pic (or three) or some
ink, we’ve got sponsors
who pay us to get their logos in pics too.
Maybe next time,
Bert Toulotte
Barrick Gaming Corp/ Plaza Hotel/High
Speed Motorsports
Top Fuel Dragster
P.S. I’m friends with Jim so I’m
not dissing him but your coverage...
A small correction is in order. In your story
on the NightFire race in Boise you go into
some detail about the ‘B Main’ Top
Fuel final featuring two Chevrolet powered
cars. You even mentioned how great it was to
see two Chevys on 95%. Unfortunately that isn’t
quite correct. Although winner Lee Jennings
is indeed a Chevy engined car, runner-up Terry
Cox is powered by an early Chrysler-style Rodeck
engine. As a matter of fact the owners of Terry’s
car are John Rodeck and Terry’s father,
John Cox. I might even go further and tell
you that we only had 84% in the tank on the
final, not 95%, as we are still dialing in
the car and getting Terry comfortable with
driving a front-engined Top Fuel Dragster.
It was great to see the Boise story, as the
popularity of the nostalgia Top Fuel cars continues
to grow. Knowing your passion for getting the
story straight I thought I would pass along
these details to you.
Keep up the good work.
Henry Walther
The photos were sent
to us by the track along with round sheets
from which we wrote the story. We didn’t
have our own staff covering the event, so
had to make the best of what we had. Some
people liked the effort. Read on. . .
Cover photo of fuel altered from Boise is
Tom Schiltz
Jeff: The last time I emailed you it was to
chew on you about bad coverage of nostalgia
events. Well this is to say that the Boise
coverage was great and your nostalgia coverage
just gets better each issue. Keep it
up and hope to see you at one of these races
Frank Parks
