Boy, isn’t that the truth. It was
a man’s handshake was his word. I guess
you need a lawyer and witnesses to support
the handshake. Or better yet, let the lawyers
work out the deal. NHRA needs to get there
head out of their butts, and pay attention
to people that support the sport instead
of people that use it and screwing people
over. We have a long way to get to NASCAR
level and stuff like this makes us a folly.
Silvestre Cervantes
You confirmed what I suspected was happening
behind the scene. I find it VERY distasteful
that Schumacher would pull a stunt like this
and I expressed my opinion to (National Dragster
editor) Phil Burgess on this matter. It amazes
me some times how greed and stupidity get
the better of people who should know better
and I’m referring to MOST of the entities
in your commentary on this matter. I raced
against Morgan years ago and I was never
that fond of him, but I think he’s
getting shafted on this deal by all concerned.
There should be a lot of embarrassment, apologies
and fence mending in this fiasco, but I fear
it’s too late for that.
Randy Hubbard
Three things regarding your editorial about
the Schumacher / Morgan “Contract” that
prompted me to write. If you are accurate
in your report, items 3, 6 and the
last one are the focus of this letter.
The first was the issue regarding Mopar
terminating their support contract with Larry
Morgan. From the timing, and the way the
message was delivered, it appears that Mr.
Schumacher pressured Mopar to cut Morgan
off at the knees. That’s purely spite
and demonstrates he has zero class. Tony,
on the other hand is a class act, unfortunately
he didn’t get that from the previous
generation, (Mother excluded).
As for the people at Mopar that folded under
the Schumacher pressure, shame on you. Larry
Morgan was your Flagship, and the most competitive
team that Mopar has competing
today. Perhaps
it’s time to “shuffle” a
few folks at Mopar.
The second issue relates to the first; don’t
take a handshake from Sr. Schumacher as a “done
it’s just a waste of hand energy. In
some parts of this country a handshake between
two real men does signify a done deal.
The third issue is the future of Larry Morgan’s
team. Here IS a class act, and anyone that
has followed Professional Drag Racing for
more than thirty seconds knows he’s
a winner, not a whiner. I’ve been a
Chevy racer all my life, but I now have a
new Pro Stock favorite and after what Mr.
Morgan’s been through I believe that
number has risen by more than one.
Bob Mendenhall
Lakeside, CA