NHRA should give a said amount of special seats to Bob Stange. If he exceeds that amount he would know there would be a ticket charge. Amen.

Ralph Poirier


Re: "what are they thinking"
Un$%^&ing believable! I guess when a sportsman gets #$%^ crammed down his or her throat now, they shouldn't feel so bad because NHRA does it to everybody equally in the name of profit. Yeah, Mr. Stange could turn the other cheek, like the rest of us do OR he could pull out his sponsorship for a race or two, as wake up call. How unprofessional! How shameful! How typical of NHRA! They have GOT to be brought down to earth! They are a racing organization, not a communist party! For the racers, by the racers...well you know the rest!

Jim Miller


As a long time drag racing fan, I'm beginning to not really care anymore about NHRA. They have become the most uncaring group of people that I've ever seen and have continued to show this in there actions (Steve Johnson, Bob Stange). Whatever happenned to the guys that cared about the racers and sponsors, guys like what Wally Parks founded and worked in the beginning to bring us a great show. Now it's who pays the fuel guys the most. But I do see the fans in a small way telling them they have had it.

I would be ashamed to tell the attendance lies that NHRA is telling did you see the crowd shots from Chicago. They should have been happy to let Bob and his group sit in unsold seats. Maybe it would have made the place look more crowded.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Bill Mitchell
Dallas, TX


I think it should be a mandatory rule that anyone hired in NHRA has to campaign a Super Gas car on the tour and at the divisional level for a season or two before stepping in with the suits. How the hell else will they really know what this sport is. . .and what kind of people constitute its primary reason for existence?

Jim Nedo
New Jersey


What I don't understand why everybody just goes back to NHRA to get burnt more and more. This has been going on since the early Sixties.

Before all these big sponsors got into this sport the racers should have boycotted NHRA. Maybe we wouldn't have this problem we have now.

Now that the big sponsors are into the sport, the racers have to attend or no sponsorships for them.

I sure wish AHRA was still around.

Bob Plumer

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