I read Chris Martin's article re: the 1972 Grand Premiere at Lions, where both Don Prudhomme and John Wiebe were credited with running 6.17's in the final. I was at that race, and I do remember how astonished I was when the times were announced. I also remember that there was a lot of controversy about the runs. To go 2-tenths quicker, even at Lions, was almost unheard of, and a lot of people thought the times were phony. Neither driver backed up the times at Pomona or Bakersfield (where Tom McEwen won T/F running 6.30's).

It wasn't until Gainesville that anyone ran better times, and that was where Don Garlits ran 6.15 at 243 mph to set the records (and backed up the times). Were the 6.17's real? Who knows? But it sure stirred the pot that year!

Cliff Morgan
Phoenix, AZ


Chris, I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I enjoyed your latest Time Machine piece. The description of the Snake/Weibe race at Lions really brought back memories of many similar epic matches I have had the good fortune to witness in 30 some years of professional spectating. I don't have all of the details stored in my memory banks, but a night when Bob Brooks took out all the hitters, including Prudhomme, at Irwindale in the Wilton Doss rat motored digger comes to mind as one of those races that stick in the recesses of my nitro addled brain.

I have been enjoying your work for years but never took the time to express my gratitude until now. I think it may have something to do with the passing of Hunter S. Thompson, one of my literary heroes beginning with "Hell's Angels" and throughout all of his "Fear and Loathing" stuff. I hope you don't take offense to my thinking of you as the HST of drag racing. You have earned the accolade.

I appreciated your reflection on the recent and disastrous presidential election. It is not easy being a liberal in the world of motor sports and drag racing in particular. It may seem incongruous to many, but progressive thought and a liberal attitude combined with drag racing have always seemed to be in perfect harmony to me. Thanks again for all the terrific writing.

Terry Spencer
Covina, CA


Jeff, I want to thank you on your bit about Hunter. You should write a book as you have a unique way of saying the truth. I look forward to reading your articles and, yes, drag racing has really changed over the years that we have known it. The suits and the bucks is what it's all about now.

Can't you see a modern day tv interview of Jungle with his harmonica saying drag racing is "far out"? I'm glad I got to spend time with J.J. and Beadle and guys like Waterbed Fred as we really lived in the best times of drag racing. Keep up the site, as you tell it like it is.

Fred Frey


Jeff: Great piece. I still see Dale every now and then, no one could compare to him and my brother in the late '60s and early '70s. Tarz is the only one to come to close. I know and raced with all mentioned racers, but the likes of Funk and Dakin held all the cards when it came to real, true, don't-give-a-shit f*ck-ups.

Sometime if you ever get the chance, ask Dale about the time we were racing in Florida ('67 or '68) and staying at a nice Holiday Inn, which we were promptly thrown out of after starting a fight with the Philadelphia Phillies. Man, what a fight. Dick Vest did most of the work. We slept in truck that night.

Love your stuff.

Mike Dakin


On "Dangerous Cars and Dangerous Men"...I couldn't have spewed that shit any better...Let the suits rot in Hell. Doctor Gonzo, give me the black bag...

H.S. Thompson as channeled by Brad Wise


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