About Shelly Howard. I heard through the grapevine that
a HANS device wouldn't have saved her. If what I heard is
true anyway. However, I agree. If the safety equipment is
there, USE IT. My damn Stocker runs mid-12's but I still
have a fire jacket, 5 point harness, roll cage, and a helmet.
Do I need all of that? Per the rulebook, all I need is the
You have been around longer than I have and been doing
this before I was around. I have seen and heard about wrecks.
The worst I remember was 1982 at the Grand American Nationals
at AHRA's US 30 Dragstrip in Indiana. I'm sure you know
it well, and probably were even there. I remember a solid
white with gold striping fuel car go off the track, into
the grass with the throttle hung open, sliding sideways
until the tires grabbed the track again, shooting the car
across the track head on into the guardrail. I recall as
the car split into 3 pieces. Rear end and wing, drivers
compartment and engine, and front end. I don't know who
it was driving, but I'm pretty sure that racer was killed.
Fast forward to 2001 at Orlando Speed World for the March
points meet. Ziggy Zigovitch shook the tires about 500 ft.
The throttle hung there too and shot the car at a 45 degree
angle over the guard rail and into the pits wiping out 3
motor homes. I really don't know how he made it out of that
ordeal alive much less walking. That was a lot more scary
to watch. More twisted tubing than I have ever seen in 1
place and seen
someone make it out of it.
Bottom line is, if no one else does, I agree with you on
the safety issue.
Anatol (Tony) Denysenko
MoneyMaker Racing
Lyons IL
IHRA and NHRA national record holder
I/FIA 5302 and 3302 1986 Mercury Capri
Ekkkkk. We are going start thinking for people & adult
racers that risk lives every time they race. Sanctioning
bodies have created over years the safety devices that protect
drivers. The risk is theirs within racing is racing is EGO.
That John Force doesn't wear a HANS device is his problem
& that Eric Medlen doesn't, his problem. Despite what
most of the drag racing world thinks, John Force is not
God & Eric Medlen the son of.
am saddened by loss of a number of people in a short space
of time, but they race & we watch. Do we believe that
these people wouldn't race without us watching? Let racers
race & NHRA protect them within their guidelines. It
would be like suggesting four-wheel disc brakes for walkers
for elderly & seat belts for our lounge chairs.
Protecting people from themselves is dangerous state of
affairs. Don't we have enough Big Brother/PC constrictions
in our daily lives? Let it go, Jeff.
Best Regards.
John Geltink
"If drag racing's major sanctioning bodies make the
devices mandatory for cars going nine seconds or quicker.
. ."
With all due respect, where does your magic E.T. of 9 seconds
or quicker come from? Wouldn't the type of injury the HANS
is believed to protect against be a function of speed, not
Wayne Darlington
Triple Nickel Racing
Akron, Ohio
Wayne, you are splitting hairs here, but, since the classes
in drag racing are basically based on ET and those that
run under 10 seconds generally run around 125 mph or faster,
that would be the reason. -- JB