It has been Pro Stock Motorcycle all year this year, just ask Rick Green about all the crap they have been through with it. The change came from a complaint from a rider who kept saying I don't ride a Bike I ride a motorcycle.

I remember when we had to call it Bike because that's what Suzuki wanted it called.

Jeff Foster


Hey Ian, I wanted to say thanks for the write-up. You're a big asset to any organization. Thanks again for your support.

Mike Hill


Burk, You were on a roll taking the NHRA & the "big fish" to task. Then you stepped in a pile of "ca-ca!"

Having a 15" wide rim, a 2" blower front discharge opening, different funny car rear spoiler, when there are no specific rules is stretching the envelope.

Everyone understood the dynamics of the retard box. The clock started at WOT and at 4.2 seconds in, armed itself to start retarding when it saw 8400 RPM, PERIOD! Now 3.8 sec and 8300 RPM.

At least it seems to be clearly the case that whatever physics is operating, it must have an essentially time-asymmetrical ingredient, i. e. it must make a distinction between the past and the future.

Roger Penrose (world renowned mathematician)

Altering the time that the delay box starts or kicks in the retard mechanism is cheating, short and simply. If a little fish had done this dastardly deed, the NHRA would have kicked them out of racing for a year, or maybe forever, and proclaimed what a great job they are doing! Instead the old slight of hand kicked in for the 9-car team owner. "No specific rule existed for the use of the OEM connector."

Connector? Who gives a s--- about the connector? Nobody cares about the connector, even if you used 2 clothespins to hold the wires together. The issue is, they altered the time circuit, they knew they did it, they did it on purpose, they should be fined, points deducted, even suspensions.

Unless, of course, you and "the prodigy" believe in Penrose's additional theory of time relationships?

"It is my opinion that our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up - even greater, perhaps, than that which has already been provided by present-day relativity and quantum mechanics." -- Roger Penrose

You were on the verge of greatness in journalist reporting and opinion. Instead you took the National Dragster approach & we've all got roses growing out of our ?

Steve York


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