Hi friends. One of the most unspectacular months of the year
led by one of its more spectacular opening days, April Fool's
Day, the birth date of NHRA all-time great Steve Gibbs. Here
are eight queries designed with your mind in mind ... a veritable
potpourri (God, I hate that word, but I'm too slow to pick
out another as a synonym} of mind teasers like the following.
Just to sweeten the pot a wee bit, not all of these are multiple
choice. Face the facts, when you were in high school, what
kind of mid-term did you prefer ... multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank?
I thought so. No, you'll have to work at this a little. Check
it out ... really not that hard at all.
Congratulations to March's quiz winner, Brian Holmes,
who got all five answers correct! Way to go!