The late Clayton Harris was one of my personal heroes. He didn't always
have the best or most equipment, but he managed to make what he had
be bad fast. Here is an early, one-sided, black and white handout card.
How he conned the United States Air Defense command into sponsoring
a fuel car is a story I would like to know more about.
This is a "Chrysler-Plymouth News Photo." I don't think it was part
of a press kit but rather was intended as a stand-alone photo. It's
a great shot of the car, though, and looks like it could have been taken
at Broadway Bob's Great Lakes Drag-a-way, Union Grove WI.
Maverick is a good friend of mine and I can tell you from personal
experience that he is careful with his money. He is, however, not shy
about letting you know about the "Living Legend" which, depending on
the day, can be the 'Little Red Wagon' wheelstander or Bill or both.