The final option to getting stopped is the mandatory parachute required
on vehicles faster than 150 mph. We chose the Flatlander Super Comp
chute from Tommy Johnson Motorsports Warehouse. Dragstar makes this
neat chute release arm. Rather than a sharp chute release cable end
sticking out the back, Dragstar came up with this ingenious way to release
the chute in a more positive manner, besides it looks way trick too!
"Wire it right the first time"
The old saying, "If you are going to take the time to do something
then make sure you take the time to DO IT RIGHT," has never been more
important than when it comes to the wiring of today's drag cars. From
the digital MSD Programmable 7 ignition box to the latest in delay boxes,
the MEGA 400, wiring is the lifeline of consistent performance. I opted
to have Jim at Dragstar do the wiring on "Project 4-Link". Could I have
done it? Yes, but the "learning experience" and wasted time and materials
would have cost more than having Dragstar do it. As you can see from
the photos Dragstar is extremely detail oriented when it comes to the
wiring of one of their dragsters.