After I set the transbrake
I let off the breaks and the car rolls forward
an inch or two. I have a Powerglide. What is
It sounds like a simple problem right, wrong.
In your situation it's possible you might be doing something
we call suspension wind up, or before you apply the transbrake
suspension is loaded and when you let off the footbrake
it releases the suspension for your inch or two of movement,
anything beyond this would be a transmission problem.
In the transmission the reverse clutch grabs
to keep the car from moving forward when you apply the transbrake
button. If this clutch doesn't clamp down quick and tight
the car will move, it takes first gear oil pressure to apply
reverse, so if the engine is idling low at 600 RPM or so
the transmission pump is not running very fast so it has
a hard time filling the void behind the reverse piston,
so we like to stage the car at least at 1200 RPM or higher
so we have plenty of fluid volume to apply the reverse clutch
quick and tight, this is a fairly simplified explanation
as there are a lot of other factors that also work into
the mix such as worn pump, glazed clutch pack etc. but maybe
this will give you some areas to look at.
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081

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