Adam Cranmer Photo

In an extended meeting with some driver/owners at the Las Vegas NHRA Sport Compact event, one of the drivers in attendance tells the Agent that Gary Darcy, NHRA VP of Marketing, assured them of the NHRA’s commitment to their series. According to the driver, Darcy said, “We are not giving up on sport compact even if it (attendance) gets worse next year. We are still in it for at least five years down the road. We are not in it to make money right now, we are in it for the long haul.”

When asked if the sport compact series would end up the way Pro Stock Truck was handled, Darcy allegedly replied testily, “This is different.”

The burning questions for the Agent are, how is it different and why?  [8-17-2004]


Apparently one of the sticking points in the current rift between Schumacher Racing and Larry Morgan Racing is the length of time Larry Morgan would stay behind wheel of the Mopar Dodge Stratus contractually. According to one scenario, Morgan would remain until the end of the season, to be replaced by a younger driver and a second car would then debut with Sport Compact FWD pioneer Shaun Carlson at the wheel. Since Carlson has had recent success with his Pro FWD Mopar, he’d now be willing to give up the seat for a hired driver or lease his sport compact racing operation to another team while he pursues his Pro Stock career. [8-17-2004]


John Miller and Danny Gracia of the NHRA Tech Dept. met with VRA National Technical Director, Jeff Norton, and newly instated Director of the Goodguys Vintage Drag Racing Association, Larry Westervelt, at the Goodguys Pomona Nitro Nationals June 25-26 to discuss proposed rule changes for the new Nostalgia Funny Car class. The rules for 2005 will be discussed during a meeting with Nostalgia Funny Car teams at an upcoming race, either the California Hot Rod Reunion or the Fuel and Gas Finals.

The proposed changes include the following: a reduction in max engine size to 470 cu. in. (down from 500 cu. in.), Air intake limited to 65 sq. in. (down from 75 sq. in.) with 16 nozzles maximum (down from 24), maximum supercharger overdrive 18.99% (up from 18%), driver-controlled mechanical or pneumatic mag retard allowed (formerly only driver-controlled mechanical allowed), data recorders allowed (formerly no data recorders allowed), and tire size reduced to 34 x 15.5 (down from 34.5 x 17).

When the rules are finalized, changes will be effective January 1, 2005.  (Zak Hawthorne photo)  [8-17-2004]

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