The racing season is winding down and it is time to celebrate whatever seasonal holiday you choose. Personally, for the Agent it is Christmas. We will be slowing down until after the new year, with updates only if the news is earth-shaking. Until then, we have some new notes, a gallery of Ron Lewis photos and, as a special gift to you, a new screen saver with some great photos by the talented photographers who shoot for DRO. Enjoy being with your families and friends. Check out the DRO archives. And rest up -- 2006 looks like its going to be lots of fun. [12-22-2005]


Serta International has signed on as sponsor of the Scott Griffin Motorsports Inc. Top Fuel dragster to be driven next season by Australian Andrew Cowin. The bedding manufacturer produces Perfect Sleeper mattresses.

"We are very proud of our marketing partnership with Scott Griffin Motorsports--and so are the Counting Sheep," said Bob Malin, VP of Licensing Services for Serta International. "In fact, they are thrilled to be on the race car. This will make them the fastest four-legged creatures in the world!"

It seems a natural for the Agent, since they raise a lot of sheep in Australia. And watch those jokes, boys. (illustration by Burke Designs) [12-22-2005]


This drag racing drama reminds the Agent of the plot line from the classic Mel Brooks film “The Producers” where the
main characters sold investors a couple of hundred percent of the rights to a play. A court-appointed receiver has recommended that general manager Orville Moe be fired and Spokane Raceway Park be closed in a 45-page report mandated by Superior Court Judge Robert Austin. The judge is sorting out claims by more than 400 limited partners who contend they have seen no return on more than $2 million in stock they bought from Moe in the 1970’s.

The court could direct receiver Barry Davidson to order the sale of the 600-acre drag strip and racetrack complex west of Spokane to satisfy claims of the limited partners who invested in Moe’s Washington Motorsports, the parent company. The receiver could also hire an interim operator to replace Moe who controls Spokane Raceway Park Inc., the general partner in the racetrack operation. A decision is expected in early January 2006. [12-22-2005]


The folks at Davis Technology, who were the first that the Agent knows of that promoted and sold traction control devices, are at it again. DRO got wind of a new electronic device that Mr. Davis has come with to help control tire shake! Representatives of Davis Technology can be found all over the NHRA professional pits selling traction control devices and they have been seen in more than one Top Fuel pit. Now they have come up with an electronic device to detect and stop tire shake. For a compete explanation of how the unit works and is installed check out the mini-tech feature about the device in DRO’s tech section. Click here [12-22-2005]


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