several months this rumor has been circulating and DRO has ignored it,
but new information from a couple of DRO's best sources compel us to
at least give the information we know. The rumor has IHRA downsizing
their Pro Stock engine size from the current 815 cubic inch max down
to a 500 inch limit.
Our sources say that IHRA Prez Bill Bader and NHRA Pro Stock star Warren
Johnson have had conversations concerning how IHRA could attract NHRA
Pro Stock racers to IHRA and Warren Johnson reportedly told Bader that
if IHRA had a 500-inch rule IHRA would get some NHRA Pro Stock teams
racing with IHRA. (This is the same thing NHRA Pro Stock racers told
Billy Meyer when he owned IHRA. He switched, they didn't.)
A Pro Stock racer that DRO contacted about this rumor told us that
he had asked Bill Bader point-blank many times if this scenario was
possible and has been repeatedly told "We aren't going to change
our rules."
You could substitute the words Pro Stock Truck in place of Pro Stock
in this story and it would sound familiar, wouldn't it? The Agent wonders
if IHRA might keep the mountain motored Pro Stock but put weight on
them and allow NHRA legal Pro Stocks to compete?