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Dear Madame Pamita,

Will Ron Capps have another ride next year? Who will be sponsoring his car?


Lonely Lady

Dear Lonely,

Ah, a two-part question. You are aware that that Madame Pamita will charge you extra, of course? Let me see … yes, he’s coming into view. No, wait, he’s obscured now by several supermodels … no, wait, now I can see him again. Yes, he’s in a firesuit. That looks promising … unless he’s just hanging out in a firesuit to score with the chicks. No … he’s in a firesuit and a crew chief is standing next to him. Good! Good! That means he’s going to be driving next year. OK … his crew chief is pointing to his watch and telling him it’s time to get in the staging lanes. Oh dear! The ladies won’t let him go. He’s running down the pit lanes and this pack of gorgeous women is chasing after him. Wait ... he is almost at the car! Ah! It all makes sense now ... I can see the car and oh, yes … it says he’s sponsored by Hai Karate. Dang it, now those girls are in the way again. Can’t see a damn thing.

Dear Madame Pamita,

What will you be doing in 2005?


Your Biggest Fan

Dear Biggest,

It takes a seer with profound powers of prognostication to be able to look into her own future … but thankfully, you are dealing with a pro here. Let Madame Pamita pull aside the veil which enshrouds the realm of the occult and look once again into her crystal orb. Ah yes ... I see myself. Jeez, I’m going to have to do something about those bags under my eyes … oh, wait … that’s my reflection. Focus ... Focus ... Ah, yes! Now I am in the visionary state. I see myself backing up a Funny Car. Well, so what? That’s nothing new. Let me whack the side of this thing. There, that’s better! Ah yes … I see myself sitting at a desk. I’m furiously writing notes on paper and then … why, this is bizarre … I’m looking into my crystal ball. Wow! I’m looking into my crystal ball and seeing me looking into my crystal ball. Damn, if this thing was high-definition, I could see into the future of the future. I’m looking into the crystal ball and then writing more notes. I’m finishing up the paper and then signing it. Let me see what I’m signing … ah, yes! I’m signing it “The Tricky Tipster”! Now the vision is fading.

Well, there you have it folks. My forecast for the upcoming season. I’d love to stick around and give you more, but I have to put in a call to my bookie … I mean, I have to call my mother. Yeah, that’s it!




Chicks 'n' Slicks [10/8/04]
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