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Bring Back the List

And that unpredictability would, of course, necessitate a revival of the Nitronic Research List. Okay… I’m probably asking for too much here….

Less Praying, More Playing

You know, it’s great that people feel so happy about Jesus and all, but praying over the PA before a race just bugs me. Since when is drag racing anything but a bunch of heathens messing around with nitro when they should be in Sunday school? I mean, if there’s anybody that should be worshipped at drag race, we ought to be prostrating ourselves before a life-sized butter sculpture of Shirley Muldowney or something. So Santa, I know it is within your power to remind people to keep their religion between them and their respective deity and let the rest of us get on with some racing.

More Parties in the Pits

I want stupid, dumb drunken parties in the pits. I want generators powering up bands on flatbeds, people crashing their golf carts, and drivers puking their guts out the night before eliminations. I want lampshade-on-the-head-type parties. I want tiki parties and retro-‘70s parties and beatnik parties. Yes, I don’t just want parties… I want theme parties. And I want a different one in every pit!

And a Little Something Extra

Those overly-chipper, Up With People second-stringers called Sports Magic – whatever it is that they’re giving them before they come perkily down the return road, I’ll have some of that too.

And a Win for my Husband

Can the Gaynor-Utterback combo win just once? I’m not asking for the 2005 championship, although that would be nice, but for him to get to the final (which he did at half the Goodguys races he ran last year) and win for once would be great! I’m tired of looking at those puny little second place plaques and I’m tired of not having a big old party in the pits at the end of the race and I’m tired of hearing the “shoulda-woulda-couldas” around my house…those are really getting old.

And Just for the Hell of It

I want to see Brendan Murry demonstrate that stripper pole he has in the back of his trailer. I keep asking him at every race and every race he turns me down, that little coquette!

And Just for the Hell of It (part Two)

I want to see Jeff Diehl’s wife’s stiletto heel get stuck in the VHT when she’s backing up the car. I don’t have anything against her or anything at all, I just think it would be damn funny. And yes, I am that mean.

Okay, Santa, I know my list might seem to be on the long and/or impossible side… but see, it wouldn’t be just me you’re making happy. Think of all the people whose hearts you’d fill with joy…. If only because they won’t have to listen to me complain for a whole year.



Chicks 'n' Slicks [11/8/04]
Madame Pamita Tells All


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