Resolution #5 – I’ll just
say no to nachos.
For some reason, at the races nachos hold me in their thrall.
I can’t escape them. When I’m not at the races,
I turn up my nose at processed cheese food. I’m a wine
and real cheese kinda gal. And I don’t mean wimpy Kraft
cheddar. I mean fromage…a wedge or Dorset Blue Vinny
or Brie en croute with cranberry chutney. I would no sooner
eat CheezWhiz than drink a bottle of Ripple. So, why is it
when I’m at the track, nachos call my name until I buy
them and wolf them down. “Come get us, Pammy,”
they say, “we’re lying here in our hot tub of
Velveeta just waiting for you.” They are the sirens
of the food carts! Evil! Evil!
Resolution #6 – I will devote at
least one sentence a month to saying something nice about
the NHRA.
know, my mom still continues to tell me, “if you can’t
say anything nice, don’t say nuthin’ at all.”
Why she’s holding up a lisping bunny from a Disney movie
as the paragon of virtue is not for me to say (and I’m
just warning you now that a smart crack like that will get
you grounded by her anyway). But, nevertheless, with that
in mind, I’ve decided to do that rodent with a speech
impediment one better. I not only will not say anything negative
about the NHRA for one year, I will make it a point to say
something nice at least once in each of my columns. That’s
12 nice things about the NHRA. Has any drag race journo done
that? If I keep that up, I’ll probably get an honorary
Resolution #7 – I will bring my
kids to the races
Yes, my boys are 6 and (almost) 5. They love cars. Of course
they should be at the races. That’s why for 2005, I’ll
be bringing them to every race. Can they stay in your pit?
Resolution #8 – I’m going
to skip this one so I can say….
Resolution #9 – I won’t listen
to the Beatles anymore
Only Dave and Sky Wallace will get this one.
So, pick which one I should stick to and email me your vote
I’ll let you know which one wins in my February column.
February. Why, that will be almost a month after I’ve
given up my New Year’s resolution. Perfect!