"Obviously, we had a mechanical malfunction. It spun the tires as soon as I hit the pedal and barely moved." -- Johnson Jr. on his first-round loss to Wilkerson

"We got put in the right lane, and the right lane's got those bumps in it. As soon as my car hit those bumps it started knocking the hoops loose, smoked the tires, and we started backing up from there." -- Gray on his loss to Worsham in round one

""We knew going in that there was going to be one guy who was going to be the winner and one team was going to win and one team wasn't. Unfortunately, the Matco Tools Dodge went out and shook the tires and we got beat. Having said that, if this sport wasn't challenging and difficult, we certainly wouldn't like it. You expect hurdles in your career and you expect some tough times and some times when you can't get the car to run properly. We're just in a position right now with our team that our car is not performing how (crew chief) Lee (Beard) and the team and I and everyone expects it to. We're working hard to make it better, but it's just throwing us curve balls run after run." -- Bazemore after losing traction before half-track in a first-round loss to teammate Scelzi

"The car was very aggressive and had too much wheel speed, turning it to the left. It was our turn to press a little bit this weekend, which can happen. It was also a little hard to see out there. I might have been able to get it back into the groove if the visibility would have been better." -- C. Pedregon on getting out of the groove and hazing the tires in a first-round loss to brother Tony

"The track wasn't quite as good as it was earlier in the weekend that's why the car started spinning the tires at the 1000-foot mark. Capps was a couple of car lengths ahead at that point so I decided to shut it down and not hurt any parts." -- Arend on yet another opening-round loss; he has yet to win an elimination round this year

"When guys are running mid-4.70s, you have to get after it. It just pulled the tires loose on that pass. It was like I was driving a midget at the Chili Bowl. I could see the finish line and Del (Worsham) just blew right by me. He's one of the best at getting a car to recover." -- Capps on the pedal-fest he lost to Worsham in round two

"We just needed to be racing somebody else instead of that fast hot dog, Force." -- Wilkerson on losing a close race in round two despite making a very respectable 4.792-secs pass

"No one was more surprised than me. I expected it to go right down the track--but it didn't." -- Densham on losing to Scelzi in the second round

"We weren't spoiled by winning two in a row, but we sure developed a taste for going rounds. You get into a groove, and you get to really enjoy the feeling of winning round after round. We won ten in a row, and we've never done that before. Still, when you lose, it doesn't feel very good." -- Worsham after going up in smoke against Force in the semis

"I thought I had him until about the 1,200-foot mark, where we had a mechanical issue and dropped a cylinder." -- T. Pedregon after losing in the semis to Scelzi

"I didn't realize it, but I guess we broke the pressure plate (in the clutch). They had to put a new one in which should have worked just fine. But it didn't. It was just too aggressive and we overpowered the track." -- Force on what went wrong for him in the final round against Scelzi

"I've got a car that's got the potential of winning the next two races and I've got a driver that's back on track--and that's me. I got a little bit lost awhile back, but I'm okay now. Those 4.60s are out there." -- Force again, with bad news for the rest of the field

"I actually thought the motor revved so high it was going to blow up and I think it did right toward the finish line. We didn't want to be stupid just in case he smoked the tires, then you don't look so smart if you smoke them sooner or harder. We raced smart today." -- Scelzi on the tire spin he experienced in his win over Force

"We would have liked to have been running better, but we just didn't really have that good a handle on it. Down track it spun the tires every run. I just couldn't get it to stay hooked up. It was fortunate for us that Force must have had some kind of a problem in the final. Realistically, that was probably the only chance that we had unless I could have gotten it fixed. Obviously I didn't do that. We'll take it anyway we can get it, though." -- Mike Neff, crew chief for Scelzi, on how good fortune sometimes plays a part in winning races

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