I just want to tell you that I agree (and this is scary) with everything you said in your Just Wondering column. Excellent job.

Just wondering why they don't call the Speed Channel the NASCAR channel. I would love to see drag racing of any kind anytime rather than their info-commercials. Again, excellent article. Thanks for speaking up.

Steve Alexander
Super Pro bracket racer


I read Dave Wallace's article on getting rid of burnouts. I like the burnouts, but you know what I miss? Going to the drags at night, and watching the fuelers make a burnout with
flames coming out of the exhausts. Then, watching the cars back up and seeing the flames belch out of the headers as the car is backed to the line. You never see flames anymore until the car actually makes the run.

By the way, I always thought that a slick heated up by the burnout provided more traction. Well, if all you need is a warm tire, why not copy Formula One and just heat the tires in a tire warmer (looks like an electric blanket that covers the entire tire). Anyhoo, just my 2 cents.

Dave, I miss the Pond. Went to my first race there in 1961, and the first big name I ever saw was TV Tommy Ivo, who was driving the Ernie's Camera Pontiac AA/FD that day.

I don't miss the no guard rails at Fernando, and everyone scattering when someone got loose on the track and headed for the hot pit area!  Heh.

Cliff Morgan
Phoenix, AZ


Boy,  Burk, you really got lame on your website for awhile. BUT you really came back like your 'OLD' self. WOW  ' HOT & NASTY'. Did someone piss you off?

Keith Ferrell

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