Darr: I didn't think Pomona's food was that bad. Maple Grove's food would be overpriced if it was free. I would not feed it to a dog.

Mike McGuire


IHRA better without Bader? Don't go outside in a thunder storm.

Stan Ray


In response to your article, IHRA is listening, I also congratulate them for taking steps to make changes that should improve their operation. Their willingness to listen to racers [without them there would be no racing], track owners [no tracks to put on a race], manufactures and sponsors [without them, no money or parts for the racers], and finally the fans [without them, who also helps pay to put on a race; no fans, no need to put on a race]. IHRA is finally doing something that has been overlooked by all in drag racing for many years, work with the racers and fans, and they will continue to come back to keep the sport alive.

It has been very evident over the last few years that the number of racers have left the sport for numerous reasons, but the biggest reason is cost to keep up with rule changes so they can stay competitive with the other racers who have the major sponsors. These are the racers that were always the backbone of the sport, and it seems each year when more leave, the sport gets weaker.

Sponsors and manufactures have also been dropping out of the sport, because if they do not have racers to promote their products, then fans will not come to races, and that is the ultimate customer who they want to buy their products.

The fans, this is what it really comes down to, without the fans [who buy the tickets, food, drink, souvenirs, shirts, sponsor products, and in a way helps pay for the race], there would be no major events. Drag race fans are different from most other sport fans, they know that when they go to a race, they can mingle with the participants, talk with them, ask questions, and maybe even get an autograph. Try to do that at a NFL, MLB, or NBA sporting event.

I have been a drag racing fan for years, also at one time a manufacturer's rep for two different companies, so my perspective is a little different on this situation. I have noticed the decline of drag racing over the years, the number of racers getting out, the number of tracks that keep changing sanction bodies or closing. The number of fans that are not coming to the major races, because of higher cost of tickets, bad racing, or constant changes that no one knows or understands.

I have known Aaron Polburn for many years, and I applaud him for the direction that he is trying to make this sport more racer, fan, and sponsor friendly. I am sure this will cause a few problems somewhere down the road, but at least he is trying, and has the guts to get drag racing back on the right track. Some of us old timers remember what happened to AHRA.

Dennis Reese


I couldn't agree more with your "Who's Listening" editorial, except for one thing. I think Bill Bader did listen, but the time maybe wasn't quite right. As sponsorship dollars continue to be tough to get, what better way for a fuel dragster or funny car team to get the needed funds by saying "We'll race 30 plus venues this year." (IHRA/NHRA). I've been to several Night Under Fire's at Norwalk, and am a track regular. Force and Bader are close friends and I wouldn't be surprised to see Team Force at a few IHRA meets. There's an old saying "Racer's Race!" when you can offer a prospective sponsor a 50% increase in exposure, the wallets might loosen up a little.

I think Drag Racing is at another cross road. You can't have an A series and a B series. I feel like if the Fuel Funny works, you may see more and more "Listening" by the powers that be at IHRA to have more pro classes that run common rules. ASSES in the seats pays the bills and a PRO SHOW for both associations HELPS the OVERALL exposure of our sport with the uninformed out there.

NHRA has yet to admit that sport compact hasn't performed to their expectations, but maybe to keep the manufacturers interested long term, a combined Pro Stock rules/program might be a look to the future. The California boys also need to re-think their Pro Mod abandonment. Then things may turn for the better.

Thanks for listening.

Gary Engle
Norwalk, OH


Dear Burkster,
I only have a few words to say in response to your latest blast. IHRA is still an ASSOCIATION whereas NHRA is a corporation and thus is only fixated on the bottom line. Who cares if it's good for the racers? Is it good for the NHRA?

Drag racing has become a business and no longer bears any resemblance to the sport it was once, in its and our infancy.

The sad truth is we cannot turn back the clock and any yearning for the past is futile at best. No amount of wishing will make the NHRA care about the racers or, heaven forbid, the fans, at the expense of the business concerns that drive their existence today. NHRA will never listen because they have no ears and don't need them, apparently. What if they put on a drag race and nobody came?

Mike Gamache
Montreal, Canada


I didn't see the episode of Monster Garage where they crush a perfectly good '49 Anglia under the guise of "entertainment." As a matter of fact I try to avoid Monster Garage as much as possible as it's an INSULT to anyone with a clue in the auto world. Nothing personal against Jesse James as I guess he is a pretty decent metal fabricator from what I've seen, but the show concept is geared toward the bizarre, to attract the clueless, with confrontational TV and abusive in-your-face attitude, typical of a lot of youth and TV shows these days, in my experience.

Evidently the producers of this and similar shows like American Hotrodder (the worst-of-the-worst), American Chopper, etc. have no concept of decency. Their only motivation is MONEY. Money is the motivation with abuse and disrespect for people as the "entertainment factor." Destruction of perfectly good property is the "icing on the entertainment cake" so to speak. The abusive demeanor of Paul Sr., who has a heart of gold but the self-control of a mosquito, with rule by intimidation the order of the day, causes untold long-term psychological damage to his family and employees along the way. For that he gets paid millions a year... Paul Sr. must have studied at the School of Employee Abuse operated by the Professor of abuse and dysfunction--Boyd Coddington.

When I see Paul Sr. use a perfectly good Ford Expedition to crash through the walls of their old office and demolish it before moving to their new location, it's clear that they have lost touch with how fortunate they are to have landed a deal for MILLIONS on American Chopper. How many homeless people in the U.S. alone would be thrilled to have a running auto, especially an almost new Expedition? How many folks along the Gulf Coast would be thrilled to have a roof over their heads, and yet we see this unconscionable destruction on TV of perfectly good cars or buildings, in the name of "entertainment."

Everyone associated with these shows needs a LARGE reality check instead of a large PAY check. Send them ALL to Alabama or Louisiana for 6-12 months with nothing but the clothes on their back - no cell phone, no credit cards, no money, and no way out for 6-12 months and let them see how ignorant it is to destroy perfectly good things in the name of "entertainment." See if they have a "clue" after walking a mile in other peoples' shoes.

Many folks in the U.S have life way too easy and have lost touch with decent personal values and respect for property and people. TV shows that promote this type of behavior should be ignored, but instead the TV producers are laughing all the way to the bank because many TV viewers are so bored they actually enjoy this CRAP.

Randy Hubbard

P.S. And speaking of TRASH TV - PINKS gets my vote for the most insulting TV program ever on so-called drag racing. All these folks do is TALK TRASH. They wouldn't know how to drag race if you painted them a picture. It's no surprise this TRASH TALK is a TV hit. Non-drag racer people probably think this crap is what actually happens at a real drag race. What a SICK joke Pinks is.


They should drop a 10,000-pound weight on Jesse James's head.

Mark Williams


I've got to agree with your assessment of the recent episode of Monster Garage. Not only did they trash a classic, but the fact that someone like the legendary Roland Leong was made to look like a failure. . . .

I have lost all respect for Monster Garage, Jesse James and the Discovery Channel!

Jim Cole
Dallas, TX


I'll NEVER watch that show again. In fact, it would be a good idea to contact all of the manufactures that contribute parts to his show and let them see where all their hard-earned dollars are going, into a junk yard to be crushed! What a bonehead! He obviously has no appreciation nor respect for a classic.

Game, set, match. . .you're out-a-here!

Bob Mendenhall
Lakeside, CA


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